It’s safe to predict Disney won’t let us forget about two of the biggest properties from the Fox portfolio. To save you some time, we’ve got a list of all the Alien movies, ranked worst to best. And that’s where the on-screen crossover died, paving the way for a return to standalone Predator films and Ridley Scott’s Alien prequels. Predator: Requiem (2007), which got hammered even harder and made the company a bit less money than its predecessor. Despite the critical failure (and slim financial success) it turned out to be, enough interest and profits were generated to greenlight a sequel – Aliens vs. Anderson managed to actually shoot the thing. A number of filmmakers tried to get the project off the ground over the years, but only Paul W. Predator (AVP) marked Fox’s first (finished) attempt at recreating the crossover kickstarted by Dark Horse Comics in 1990.